Khalid Saeed Butt
Date of Birth 1950
Qualification In B.F.A. (Graphic Design) got First Class First.
In M.F.A. (Graphic Design) got Second Position in the University of the Punjab
Career Teaching Experience:
Teaching as Assistance Professor in the University College of Art and Design University of the Punjab Lahore.
Have been teaching Miniature Painting and Drawing since1979
1981-1982 Worked as visiting Lecturer in the institute of Education and Research, university of the Punjab. Lahore.
Professional Experience:
Have been working as Miniature Painter since 1976
Worked as a Cartoonist in daily “Azad “ and weekly “pas –e-Parda” (1977-1980)
Worked as a an illustrator in Urdu Digest, (1980-1981)
Supervised the pictorial aspect of Mass Gymnastic display with collaboration of South Korean experts in 1976, arranged by the ministry of Education, Government of Pakistan.
Exhibitions Exhibitions In Pakistan:
1988 Participated in an international Exhibition arranged by Pakistan National Council of the Arts,Islamabad.
1977,1982 and 1984 Participated in the National Exhibition arranged by PNCA.
1982, 1984, 1988 and 1991 Participated in Provincial Exhibition arranged by Punjab Council of Arts.
Exhibition of Paintings arranged by Artist Association of Pakistan at Lahore in May 1984,May 1985, March 1986, November 1986, February 1987, January 1988, May 1988, February 1989, May 1990, May 1991, and October 1993,1994,1995,1996,1997,1998,1999.
2010 Solo Exhibition Art scene Galleries, Karachi, Pakistan.
Exhibitions Abroad:
Participated in group show at Notices Art Gallery, Singapore.
Pakistan Day Exhibition in China.
Painters of Pakistan Exhibition in London, England.
Best Miniature Painting prizes in Provincial Exhibition held in 1991 at Al-Hamra Arts Council Lahore, arranged by Punjab art Council, Lahore.
Exhibition Award in 1994 and 1999 by (AAP) Artists Association of Punjab.
Miniature Painting selected by the Pakistan National Council of Arts for the portfolio “Miniature painters of Pakistan”
American Consulate, Lahore.
Goethe Institute, Karachi.
Air-Marshal (Rtd) Shamim Alam Khan.
Mr. Tariq Saigal, Lahore.
Mr. Asif Saigal, Lahore.
Mr. Nadeem Mumtaz, Fazal Din & Sons, Lahore.
Wasif Ali Khan, Lahore.
Rocco Dairy Products, Lahore.
Nawabzada Noushad Ali Khan, America.
Mr.Jahangir Tareen, Lahore.
Mrs. S.M.Zafar, Lahore.
Mr. Asif Kamal, Newage Cabels, Pakistan and many others.